Friday, December 17, 2010

Big Blood & The Bleedin' Hearts - s/t

Goddamn YOU Big Blood. Because you make so many goddamn genius albums I am going to have to spend the very little money I get on buying them.  I CAN'T AFFORD TO DO THIS! I thought I had settled on ranking my favourite Big Blood albums. Ranking is stupid, especially in my case because I change my mind so much. I still do it though. I am however certain of one thing, this is DEFINITELY my favourite Big Blood & The Bleedin' Hearts record. Ok well it is the only Big Blood & The Bleedin' Hearts record. It is also very very close to being my favourite Big Blood record (who knows, it probably will be tomorrow).

The Bleedin' Hearts are Tom Kovacevic, Micah Blue Smaldone and Kelly Nesbitt. So I think we can all agree straight up that there is a shitload of talent on this album. And damn it shows. I put the album on as I am writing this, and 'Oh Country (Skin & Bones)' just came on. So I am just gonna jump in. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SONGS EVER! goddamn!! The heart of all the best Big Blood songs are the best fucking vocal melodies you have ever heard. And as I said at some point earlier, with vocal melodies like that and Colleen's voice you sort can't go wrong anywhere. You know, Caleb has an awesome voice as well. I particularly love how their voices interact with one another. Anyway I am rambling. Colleen sings the most of 'Oh Country' herself. Her voice sounds so full of emotion, it is excellent. The melody is soaring, and it is completely enhanced by the instrumentation. The instrumentation on this record, and on this track is so great. THERE IS BANJO. I like banjo, fo' real. I also really love how they work with percussion. I mean generally is just sounds like they are just hitting a floor tom every bar (maybe some tambourine or something as well). Point being that the simplicity of the percussion leaves them with a lot of room to fill in with beautiful harmonies, guitars, accordion etc. Again the production is just amazing, 'etheral' seems to be the word that best describes the production. They just do everything right I guess.

Another really strong contender for 'Best Big Blood Song Award' on this album is 'Graceless Lady', the chorus is straight-up genius. "Goddamnnn youuuuuuu, Gracelesssss Ladyyyyyy" (I think you will have to listen to it). Again the first proper song, 'Baron in the Trees' absolutely kills. This one has a total Western vibe to it. There are galloping noises and everything. Caleb's voices sounds especially great on this one in fact. Likewise with the last proper song of the album. Caleb again shines. Actually this song, 'Night Lighter' is freaking delicious (you see Axel told me the other night that it is a thing to call something that is not food delicious to express how great it is. This is a totally new and innovative thing. Thanks dude!) In case you were wondering I am pretty much absolutely certain that Caleb and Colleen wrote all of the songs on this. So The Bleendin' Hearts are sort of a backing band I guess. I really love Micah Blue Smaldone (see the Red River Rough Cut post I did below).

I guess I could gush some more, but I won't. I am a busy man. Places to go, people to see.

(Who am I kidding. I am gonna get changed into my pyjamas as 4:12pm and play Mario Golf, watch The Wire and read my stories. Shit it is a friday. I think I should look for something social to do actually... nahhhh)


1 comment:

  1. I love your enthusiasm, you make me want to listen to this album!

    I think I will. So keep it up.
