Monday, February 28, 2011

Boredoms live @ ATP Tokyo 27 Feb, 2011

Sooooo my hombre Rhys is over in Japan at the moment. While there he went to the I'll Be Your Mirror festival curated by All Tomorrow's Parties, the same festival sporting THIS supremely awesome line up. The good news for me (and you) is that he recorded some of the bands on his newly acquired field recorder. ah ah ah yeah!!!!

so I will post the recordings on here seperately for all of us lovely people to share, starting with Boredoms. Rhys tells me they were all kinds of awesome with 6 drummers etc etc.

So enjoy the shit outta this!

Boredoms live @ ATP Tokyo 27 Feb, 2011


  1. Great! Only one thing: the ad here says 2/27, rather than 2/23:

  2. hahaha whoops, sorry. I looked up the date and everything and then went to write it and obviously fucked it up.

    cheers hombre

  3. Oh, hey, thank you!! Looks like you posted it next-day.
