Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blaque Boose - Winter / Past Lives Owen 7-inch

There are so many awesome bands in Portland, Maine. Here I am stuck in Perth like, which is like 18605 kilometers away (I used a distance calculator). Anyway I ain't ragging on Perth or anything (even though it fucking sucks) but our music scene is so uptight, and just crap in alot of ways. In saying that there are some really really really awesome bands here. But you get the point.

From what i gather alot of these bands from Portland, Maine are into this freak-folk, free-folk, psychadelic-folk, whatever-folk sort of sound. There are alot of them, and they are really really good. You know i may have missed the mark completely, but it seems to be a really relaxed, really friendly, and a really chilled out sort of place. I guess there is something right going on, with the tonnes and tonnes of awesome bands that are based there, CURRENTLY. I don't think I will rag on perth any more, but yeah our music scene is pretty uptight and pretty fucking insecure. The point is, there appears to be a fucking awesome LOCAL musicians from that area, who are still making awesome music and playing locally.

I won't read that back because it is probably really lame and really pointless. Anyway this band rules hard. They are led by a woman named Sheena Charland, who has this awesomely eerie voice. They have this old-time folky sort of feel, but without using any of the old-time folky cliche's. I guess it is pretty dark and really pretty. Anyway this is a 7 inch of theirs, You can order it here. I am going to upload it, but this one I will definitely take down after a bit. I am a little hesitant to upload this, but i found a free download on a website that was selling the vinyl so I figured it should be ok. I don't know what the deal is with this uploading business, I don't want to rip anyone off. If anyone ever reads these and wants me to take the link down let me know and I will do it.

Anyway all that aside, enjoy this.


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